Crohn's Disease My Thoughts Science

Vitamin D and Crohn’s Disease: How a Paleo Lifestyle Can Help

In the first years after I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, no one ever mentioned vitamin D to me but recently my gastroenterologist has been paying close attention to my levels. For good reason. A simple Google search on “vitamin D and Crohn’s disease” returns thousands of results talking about studies that have been conducted […]

Crohn's Disease My Thoughts Science

Autoimmunity… Simplified

Autoimmunity is a complex subject, even for medical people and scientists (which I am most definitely not!). It can affect pretty much any body system, is difficult to diagnose, and its causes appear to be multi-faceted. And even though various autoimmune disorders often overlap with one another, they are each treated in the Western medicine […]

Crohn's Disease My Thoughts Science

Crohn’s Disease and Probiotics: Beneficial or Just a Waste of Money?

Last week a startling headline appeared in my Google news alert: “Probiotics Have No Impact on Crohn’s Disease Remission.” The study, published this month in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, was a 52-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial conducted at 32 centers and looked at whether or not a specific yeast probiotic, saccharomyces boulardii, prevented relapse of […]

Crohn's Disease My Thoughts Science

Crohn’s Disease and Gluten: 4 Reasons Why IBD Sufferers Should Not Eat Wheat

If you have Crohn’s disease your doctor has probably told you that diet doesn’t matter. You can go ahead and eat whatever you’d like, just avoiding foods that seem to aggravate your symptoms like raw vegetables or spicy foods. If you have strictures, you might be advised to follow a low-residue diet to prevent obstructions, […]