My Thoughts Personal

How I ate in Italy and maintained my autoimmune health

First, let me preface this by saying that while all of the recipes I post on this blog are compliant with the AIP elimination phase, I have personally moved beyond that phase and reintroduced many foods from all of the AIP stages, so this post will include discussion of foods that may not work for […]

My Thoughts Personal

Healthy Paleo Travel Habits: Living with an Autoimmune Disease

Things have been pretty quiet around here lately because my “real” life has been extra busy and I’ve spent much of the past month on the road for business and pleasure, doing my best to stay on my healing path. I’ve been eating some form of a paleo or paleo-inspired diet now for long enough […]

Crohn's Disease My Thoughts Personal

Update: Three Weeks on the Autoimmune Protocol

Time is flying! I am now on day 21 of the paleo autoimmune protocol (AIP). The first two weeks (see my update #1 here and update #2 here) went by so slowly, but I have now hit my stride and the food planning, prepping, and eating is really starting to feel like second nature now. […]

Crohn's Disease My Thoughts Personal

Update: Two Weeks on the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP)

It has now been 13 days since I started the paleo autoimmune protocol (AIP) and I am pleased with my progress so far. Week two had a few challenges and triumphs (like cleaning and cooking a whole fish!). I also had a little setback this week when I experimented with my probiotics but seem to […]