My Thoughts Personal

It is Gutsy By Nature’s ONE YEAR Anniversary!

one year

UPDATE: Congratulations Michelle G.! You are the winner of the $25 Amazon gift card. Check your email and confirm your address to receive your prize!

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Gutsy By Nature turns one year old today! Though the idea had been percolating for a while and I had spent some time playing around with a name and setting up a basic blog format, it was on this day one year ago that I actually took the leap and wrote up my first recipe and posted my “about me.” At the time I wasn’t sure what direction this little blog was going to take. I knew I wanted to share my experiences using a paleo-based diet to treat and manage Crohn’s disease. As a food lover who was quickly discovering that eating a “restricted” diet didn’t have to mean giving up flavor and enjoyment of new foods, I also knew that I would be sharing recipes and resources… though I didn’t have much confidence in my ability to create my own recipes at that time.

What I didn’t know was if anyone would read it. I kept posting anyway. I set up a Facebook page and a Twitter account, and later joined Instagram. I learned how to track my stats and saw that people really were finding me. I began to connect with other bloggers who wrote about the paleo diet and natural living and learned from them. My confidence in my ability to create tasty food and then describe how to make it to others grew. And I discovered that sharing my story was inspiring to others but even more importantly was therapeutic for me!

One of the things I love about the blog as a medium for communication is that it is always a work in progress, just like the health journey I am on. There are ups and downs. Some days are good, some are not. Some posts resonate with people in ways I never expected, others fall flat. This past year has not been easy, both in terms of my physical health and my ability to cope with those ups and downs AND in figuring out how to balance all of the priorities in my life, including a full time job and family obligations while making the time necessary to keep myself healthy. But throughout it all, returning to this blog has always inspired me and rejuvenated me.

I am so grateful for all of you who have joined me on this journey and look forward to many more years of sharing with you as Gutsy By Nature! To celebrate I’m giving away a $25 gift card to Amazon to one of you. Scroll down and use the Rafflecopter form to enter before it closes on August 14.

Ready Set AIP - Your on ramp to the Autoimmune Protocol lifestyle

Yours in health,



a Rafflecopter giveaway


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