First, a personal update…
I’m excited to tell you that tomorrow (February 13, 2017) I officially start the Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) course with the Nutritional Therapy Association! It is a very rigorous 9 month program and I am going to be balancing it with my already demanding full time job and still keeping my focus on maintaining my own health, so I know that is not going to leave a lot of time for me to create new recipes and update this blog as often as I would like to do. That probably means that you will see more posts that are “roundups” of recipes from others like this one, maybe some guest posts, and quick updates or posts directly related to what I am learning. Stay tuned for updates as to what this means in regards to this blog and my professional plans…
Now, what’s this about AIP cassava flour recipes?
Cassava flour has quickly gone from obscurity to the darling of the grain free baking world! It is popular among those who follow the paleo autoimmune protocol (AIP) because it is nut free and works better with egg replacements than other options, such as coconut flour. My talented friends in the AIP blogging community seem to be coming up with delicious new recipes that use it every week and this post is my attempt to compile the best of them for reference in a single place.
But first, a quick word on cassava flour. It is NOT the same thing as tapioca starch or tapioca flour. Cassava flour is the whole root, dried and ground up finely, while tapioca flour is a more refined product. You cannot substitute one for the other and expect the recipe to work. Also, some of the cassava flour that you’ll find in international stores is fermented and you may not be happy with the flavor, especially in sweet dishes.
The brand that I have the most experience with and recommend is Otto’s Cassava Flour. You can order it online via Amazon, or directly from the retailer. You may also be able to find it in some natural food stores and larger retailers. Here in the northeast United States we can buy it at Wegman’s (look for it in the “healthy flour” section – in my store it is on the shelf opposite the gluten free section).

AIP Desserts
You might hear that cassava flour can be a one-for-one substitute for wheat flour in conventional flours. In my experience, this isn’t necessarily true in all cases, although it does work very well in sweet treats that have a drier consistency… which probably explains why it was so easy for me to find mouth watering dessert recipes when I created this post!

- Apple Crisp – Lichen Paleo, Loving AIP
- Butter Tarts – Lichen Paleo, Loving AIP
- Cherry Turnovers – Don’t Eat the Spatula
- Peach Cobbler – Gutsy By Nature
- Strawberry and Pomegranate Pie – Don’t Eat the Spatula
- Strawberry Rhubarb Cobbler – The Paleo Mom
- Strawberry Shortcake – Gutsy By Nature
- Salted “Chocolate” Cream Pie – Grazed and Enthused
- Tatin-Style Apple and Lavender Upside-Down Cake – A Squirrel in the Kitchen
AIP Cookies
Cassava flour seems to work best in baked goods that have a drier texture, like cookies. In fact, the first recipe I ever created using my first sample bag of Otto’s Cassava Flour was for these AIP-friendly gingersnaps. Here are a few more of my favorites (be sure to try the “chocolate” chip cookies… to make them AIP, use this recipe for carob chips)…

- Aussie S’Mores – Joanna Frankham
- Blackberry Jam Thumbprint Cookies – Don’t Eat the Spatula
- Cherry Carob Cookies – Autoimmune Wellness
- “Chocolate” Chip Cookies – Otto’s Cassava Flour
- Gingersnaps – Gutsy By Nature
- Shortbread Cookies – The Bacon Mum
- Sugar Cookies – Beyond the Bite
- Sugar(less) Cutout Cookies – Don’t Eat the Spatula
- Sweet Potato Kitchen Sink Cookies – Adventures in Partaking
AIP Treats for One
Of course, we all know that sweets should only be occasional treats in a balanced healing AIP diet. For that reason, its good to have a couple “single serve” recipes in your repertoire for when the craving hits and you don’t want to make a whole cake or batch of cookies that will tempt you to overindulge. Here are a few of my favorites…

- “Chocolate Mug Cake” – Don’t Eat the Spatula
- Peach Ginger Cobbler – Adventures in Partaking
- Single Serve Brownie – Unbound Wellness
AIP Breads, Biscuits, Bagels and Breakfasts!
Cassava flour is a game changer for AIP baking. A lot of these recipes use a blend of flours, but the cassava flour remains the key ingredient.

- Biscuits – Lichen Paleo, Loving AIP
- Dinner Rolls – The Paleo Mom
- Everything Bagels – The Curious Coconut
- Pita Bread – Predominantly Paleo
- Real Deal Biscuits – Adventures in Partaking
- Savory Biscuits – Provincial Paleo
- Semi Sweet Plantain Fritters – Don’t Eat the Spatula
- Sweet Potato Paratha – Adventures in Partaking
- Tortillas – Backcountry Paleo

- Carob Orange Muffins – Zesty Paleo
- No Egg Waffles – Don’t Eat the Spatula
- Passion Fruit Yogurt Parfaits with Cassava Crumble – Sweet Treats
- Pineapple Blueberry Muffins – AYCE to Better Health
AIP Savory Dishes
Cassava flour isn’t just for baked goods… I find that it makes a terrific thickener for sauces and a breading for fried foods. Check out my recipe for chicken thighs with lemon garlic sauce and this recipe for fried fish that rivals the standard beer battered “fish fry” of my Wisconsin childhood. Then check out these from my friends…

- Chicken, Leek and Bacon Mini Pies – Joanna Frankham
- Chicken Pot Pie – Gutsy By Nature
- Fish & Chips – Gutsy By Nature
- Hidden Liver Cheeseburger Pie – AYCE to Better Health
- Parsnip Gnocchi with Basil Oil – Comfort Bites
- Seafood Chowder – Don’t Eat the Spatula
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10 replies on “Cassava Flour: 40+ Favorite AIP Recipes”
The recipes look wonderful and I can’t wait to explore what you have put together, but more importantly, Welcome to our Tribe!!!
A Texas NTP
This post is filled with spectacular-looking treats! I can’t get myself to turn my computer off and start winding down for bed… keep planning which recipes to try first.
I hope you’re loving NTP training as much as I did — it really is quite the tribe, as Katie said. I certified in 2015 and have my own growing practice now. Thank you for your contributions to the AIP world! ~Love, an NTP in Boise
Thank you Kendy! I am loving it… extremely busy, but loving it!
Hello Jaime,
How fabulous to hear that you have started the NTP course! I am going to start next Feb!! I will have to keep in touch with you to see how your learning and training goes! Super excited for you! Can’t wait to try some of these delicious recipes!
– Amy
So many recipes to try. Thanks for sharing the recipe, I can’t wait to try this at home. I pinned it on my Pinterest.
I follow, for the most part, AIP. I love cassava flour tortillas but they make me feel HORRIBLE. Headache, sick all over. Anyone else experience this kind of reaction? Just wonder what causes the problem? Might be too carb-heavy for some. Word of warning.
[…] Want even more delicious AIP recipes like this? Check out this roundup of 40+ recipes that feature cassava flour! […]
[…] Looking for more cassava flour recipes? Check out this post! […]
[…] Have a bag of cassava flour and not sure what else to do with it? Check out this round up post! […]
[…] Looking for more recipes that use cassava flour? Check out this post! […]