Book Reviews My Thoughts Recipes

30 Minute Meals for the Paleo AIP

We’ve all been there… it’s almost dinner time and you have a refrigerator full of ingredients and need them to magically turn themselves into food PRONTO. You know you need a full meal (a can of tuna fish eaten over the sink just isn’t going to cut it) and it sure would be nice if it tasted good too. But it’s been a long day and your creativity is zapped. You know that nourishing food is what you need, especially because you or someone in your family is dealing with a chronic illness, but you don’t have the energy to spend hours cooking. There are no take-out options that meet your dietary needs and nothing you can just pull out the freezer and zap….

Work With Me! - Summer Coaching Packages & Meal Plans now available

So, what do you do?

That’s the question I posed to 40 of my friends, all of them either bloggers who create recipes compliant with the Paleo autoimmune protocol (AIP) or AIP Certified Coaches, when I realized my clients and readers needed an answer to this common problem.

The result is this incredible ebook…

Ready Set AIP - Your on ramp to the Autoimmune Protocol lifestyle

And it is now available for you to download!

What makes 30 Minute Meals for the Paleo AIP so great?

Well, first of all, it had an amazing editor… Isn’t that enough?

No? Well, let me tell you more…

  • It features 120 complete meals. Yes, complete meals. That means entree, sides, sauces… everything. In a traditionally organized cookbook that would probably end up being 300 or more separate recipes.
  • But it’s not a traditionally organized cookbook! It’s all organized in such a way that you can turn to any page and just start cooking. Every step from start to finish is laid out and you’ll have the meal on the table in 30 minutes.
  • You don’t need to be an expert cook, nor do you need to buy lots of crazy specialty ingredients. That amazing editor was really strict about this… she didn’t even let the contributors use pre-made cauliflower rice in their recipes! If a recipe includes something like that, the time it takes to turn cauliflower into “cauli-rice” is factored into those 30 minutes. If you use store bought shortcuts, you’ll just finish even faster!
  • It costs $18.90. I wish I could give this to you all for free, but we need to compensate the hard work of the 40 people who put their hearts and souls into creating these recipes for you. I also wish it was a print book (I know… I’m an old fogey who likes print cookbooks as much as anyone) but paper and printing would have made this much more expensive. Because I know many of you prefer paper, I specifically designed the layout of the pages to look good both on a device and on paper, if you want to print it out yourself. TIP: I have a binder with plastic sheet protector pages. When I find a recipe in an ebook I want to try, I print that page out. If it is a “keeper,” I add it to my binder. Now I have my own customized cookbook full of favorites from lots of different sources.
  • Every recipe is compliant with the elimination phase of the AIP. But that doesn’t mean that this resource is ONLY for people on AIP. It’s just good, tasty, easy, and healthful food that happens to be…
    • Gluten free
    • Grain free
    • Dairy free
    • Egg free
    • Nut free
    • Seed free
    • Nightshade free
    • Refined sugar free
    • …and made only from real, whole, unprocessed food ingredients!

If I’ve convinced you, go on over to the sales page I put together to showcase this project and download it now. If I haven’t convinced you, please go there anyway! We AIP bloggers and coaches appreciate you all so much that we wanted to use this occasion to give something back and celebrate this incredible community we have, so we organized a giveaway. Prizes worth a total of over $1500 are up for grabs and 21 different people are going to win! But you have to enter by the end of the day on August 13, so don’t miss your chance.



7 replies on “30 Minute Meals for the Paleo AIP”

I also bought the AIP cookbook through Instagram and the link closed before I could save it. I need the download emailed to me please.

Anyone who is having problems with downloading or accessing the ebook should email me directly… that way I can look up your order and quickly reset and/or resend the link.

jaime at

It would be nice to know the titles of the meals before investing money. I’d especially hate buying a cookbook only to learn later that it was mostly seafood which I cannot eat.

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