Recipes Side Dishes

Classic Sweet Pickle Relish (AIP, SCD)

The alternate title to this post should be “What to do when you grow way too many pickling cucumbers in your urban garden and don’t want any more pickles!” I’ve made dill pickles, sweet pickles, spicy pickles, fermented pickles, refrigerated pickles, and canned pickles… and quite honestly, I’m pickled out. And yet the vines keep […]

Chicken Main Dishes Recipes

Chicken and Bok Choy Stir Fry (Paleo, AIP)

I’m so glad I decided to throw in a packet of bok choy seeds with my order this spring! They have sparked all kinds of creative dishes this spring, and this Asian-inspired sweet and sour chicken stir fry dish is just the latest… and one of the easiest. And I’m happy to report that even […]

Appetizers Recipes Side Dishes

All Purpose Herb Sauce (Paleo, AIP, SCD, Vegan)

Here’s a not-so-secret fact about me. I’m frugal. Of course, I’m willing to pay money for quality food, but I am waaaaaaay too frugal to buy fresh herbs at the grocery store. Especially because I know how very easy (and cheap!) it is to grow those herbs in practically no space and even in limited […]