Appetizers Recipes Side Dishes

Tostones – Fried Green Plantains


Tostones are my new obsession. I make them for breakfast at least a couple times a week, since discovering they were a great source of paleo and AIP-friendly starch. What are they? Tostones are fried green plantains and are also called patacones, fritos verdes, or banan peze – depending on which country is doing the naming. They are a staple of Latin American and Caribbean diets; I first encountered them in Ecuador (where they are called patacones and typically served with a garlic mojo sauce) and then again in Puerto Rico where I gobbled them up every time I saw them on the menu.

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That was several years ago and it wasn’t until recently that I discovered how easy they are to make. My inspiration comes from world traveler Russ Crandall, also known as The Domestic Man, and his recipe for tostones published in his cookbook The Ancestral Table was my first introduction to making them at home. [Side note: If you have even an ounce of adventurous eater in you and don’t have this cookbook in your collection, you must get it now! The recipes are delicious, easy to follow, and all accompanied by beautiful photos.]

Making tostones at home

Step 1 – Gather your ingredients and supplies.

Tostones 1

You need some green plantains and coconut oil, a medium skillet (I prefer cast iron, but use whatever you have), a sharp knife, and a coffee cup. In a nod to my first experience with green plantains in Ecuador, I’m using a mug from the Galapagos Islands!

Step 2 – Cut and peel your plantains

Tostones 2

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There are a lot of ways to do this, but I’ve found that slicing them first and then peeling them works for me. I use the knife to cut a little slit in the peel and then remove with my fingers. Riper plantains are easier to peel so if yours are really green, you might decide that you just want to cut all the way around each slice to remove the peel.

Step 3 – Partially fry the plantains

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Scoop some coconut oil into your skillet and heat over medium. I’m pretty loosy goosy on the amount here because I’ve found that how much you need really varies. This might also have to do with the ripeness of the plantains but for as much as I know it could be anything (maybe the lunar phase – who knows?). I usually start with about a quarter cup and leave the jar out in case the pan gets dry and I need to add more.

Add the plantains and let them cook until they turn bright yellow, but don’t start browning. This is more art than science. You need to turn them a few times and just watch. No worries if they do start browning… they will still work and be delicious! This step usually takes maybe 3-4 minutes. Remove and allow to cool a bit.

Step 4 – Mash the plantain slices

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This is where that coffee mug comes in. A standard mug has a slightly concave base, which allows just the right space for a perfectly smashed tostone! If you want to get really fancy, you could get a special “tostonera” device, but I’ve been happy with the mug.

Step 5 – Fry to desired crispness

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Heat the oil in your skillet again over medium (add more if you need to) and return the now smashed plantain slices to the oil. Cook for about 2 minutes on each side, or until they have reached the crispiness level you want.

Step 6 – Enjoy!

Remove from oil, sprinkle with sea salt, and let cool for a few minutes (trust me – I’ve been unable to resist more than once and burned my tongue).

Notes for healing diets

Fried Green Plantain Recipe

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Tostones – Fried Green Plantains

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  • Author: Jaime Hartman
  • Total Time: 15 mins
  • Yield: 2 servings 1x


Tostones are fried green plantains, cooked here in paleo friendly coconut oil.


  • 2 green plantains
  • 1/41/2 cup coconut oil
  • salt


  1. Cut plantains into slices about 1 inch thick. Remove peel from each slice.
  2. Heat coconut oil in skillet over medium heat. Carefully add plantain slices to oil and cook until bring yellow, but not browned. Turn frequently and watch closely. This will take about 2-4 minutes.
  3. Remove slices and allow to cool slightly.
  4. Use a standard coffee mug or a tostonera to smash each slice.
  5. Heat coconut oil again over medium heat. Carefully add now smashed plantain slices to oil and cook in batches until they reach desired crispness (about 3-4 minutes on each side).
  6. Remove and drain, sprinkle with salt to desired taste, and allow to cool slightly before eating.
  • Prep Time: 5 mins
  • Cook Time: 10 mins
  • Category: appetizer
  • Cuisine: Latin

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Tostones easy

14 replies on “Tostones – Fried Green Plantains”

Thank you for this recipe. They were yummy. I had a bit of trouble sourcing plantain as I live in the north of England but I managed in an Asian supermarket.
I’ve shared this recipe with a few friends thanks.

I am from Puerto Rico and actually we use the real green plantains but people have been also using the half green half yellow. Use olive oil for health purposes to fry anything. They are addictive.
Tip: fry them the first time then have a small bowl with about a cup of water with four garlic cloves smashed. Soak them in the bowl for 5 min the finish the frying process. They will be crunchier and more flavor. Make the mayo ketshup, seat down and enjoy them.

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