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50+ AIP Recipes for the Grill

AIP grill

When the weather is warm, I cook on our outdoor grill at least a couple times a week. It’s easy, tastes good, and there is virtually nothing left to clean up! Usually I just throw a protein and some vegetables on there without a whole lot of thought, but I noticed that we are kind of getting into a rut of the same thing over and over. Knowing that I needed to mix up the routine, I asked my best paleo and AIP blogger friends if they would send me their favorite paleo autoimmune protocol (AIP) friendly recipes, and realizing that you might like this collection as well I got their permission to share them all with you!

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By the way, city dwellers like us who don’t have a space to safely use a charcoal or gas grill don’t have to miss out. We have had this electric grill for years and absolutely love it. It heats up quickly and the food even gets those characteristic grill marks.

NOTE: All of the recipes below are acceptable for the elimination phase of the paleo autoimmune protocol (AIP) or I have indicated directions for omitting or using alternative ingredients. But remember, the elimination phase is not meant to last forever! If you have experienced significant healing, you might be ready to start reintroductions but I know that can be a scary process. My friend Eileen Laird of the blog Phoenix Helix has published a fantastic guide doing just that. I encourage you click here and check it out!




Fish & Seafood





Vegetables and Fruit



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